Sony multi-interface shoe cover

I came across a product in some comments on a social media post the other day and I thought I’d order them and give them a shot.

If you are a Sony shooter and you’ve ever encountered the error message “This accessory is not supported by the device” on your screen. Assuming you aren’t connecting an unsupported device in the multi-interface shoe, it is most likely from moisture shorting out some of the contacts of the multi-interface shoe.

I’ve only had this happen to me once or twice and every time it was in very wet weather.

I’ve seen other people try to combat this with gaffer tape or other DIY ideas to keep moisture out of that shoe area, but I found a product online that I think will help this problem greatly.

I found an item from a company called GP Walsh Designs called the Sony Hot Shoe Cover. The biggest difference in the ones from GP Walsh Designs and the original ones from Sony, is the GP Walsh version covers the top of the shoe.

Here’s an image of the original Sony cover, which by the way was on every time I got the error.

Here’s an image with the GP Walsh design:

Notice how the GP Walsh Designs one covers the top of the shoe much better than the original Sony one? I’m hoping this will help to alleviate the issue caused when the shoe gets moisture in it. I will keep you posted!


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